Principal Investigator


Fernando A. Branco, co-founder of the CORE Group, is a Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering at IST – University of Lisbon and Past-President of the Civil Engineering Department. He was President of Portuguese Association of Structural Engineers (APEE), President of the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) and President of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE). His research activity is illustrated by the supervision of 23 PhD theses, 100 MSc theses, co-authorship of 15 books, 500 scientific papers, 1000 technical reports and 8 patents. He has been consultant for major Public Works in Portugal like the S. João Bridge (world’s longest railway span in cantilever construction), Macau-Taipa Bridge (in China) and Vasco da Gama Bridge (the longest in Europe). He holds several international awards among which an award from the Polish Government, the title of “Honorary Senator” by the European Economic Forum, Advisory Professor by Tongji University and Honorary Member by IABSE.


Mário Rui Arruda is currently researching protection of houses against wildland fire, using new and standard construction materials. Also performing research of composite structures in field of: 1) orthotropic damage 2) thermal-structural numerical simulation due to fire 3) strength structures with FRP 4) higher-order beam theories CUF, to study the behaviour of GFRP sandwich panels. Recently starting the research in the protection of houses against wildland fire. Ph.D in Computational Mechanics applied to Civil Engineering.



João Pedro Firmo joined the CORE Group in 2009 to develop his master dissertation about the fire behaviour of reinforced concrete structures strengthened with fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) systems, topic which he pursued to get his PhD degree in Civil Engineering (2015) at Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon. He currently focuses his research activities on topics related to FRP strengthening systems, concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars and FRP composite sandwich panels, including their behaviour at elevated temperatures and under exposure to fire


João Ramôa Correia is co-founder and coordinator of the Core Group. He holds a 5-year BSc in Civil (Structural) Engineering (2001), a MSc in Construction (2004), and a PhD (2008) in Civil Engineering, from IST/ULisbon, where he is Full Professor since 2016. In 2012, he was the recipient of the IABSE Prize and in 2016 he received the IIFC Distinguished Young Researcher Award. He serves in the Editorial Boards of Journal of Composites for Construction (Associate Editor), Composite Structures and Fire Safety Journal. From 2018-2021 he was the leader of CEN TC250 Project Team WG4.T2 “FRP Structures”, which developed the European Technical Specification for the Design of Fibre-Poymer Composite Structures.

Carlos Manuel Tiago Tavares Fernandes. Completed the Doutoramento in Engenharia Civil in 2007 by Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico. Is research is focused in non-conventional finite element and meshless methods, for structural mechanics, computational fluids and heat-transfer mass. He has provide several numerical tools to support the design of fire protection of FRP strength structures and prismatic elements.


Mário Garrido is a member of the CORE Group since 2011. He received his PhD degree in Civil Engineering in 2016 from IST, University of Lisbon, for his work on the development of FRP composite sandwich panel systems for building rehabilitation. He continued to develop this topic during his Post-doc, collaborating with the pultrusion industry, and is currently still engaged in research on the fire behaviour and resistance of FRP sandwich panels. His recent research activities also focus on the sustainability of FRP in construction, where he leads projects aiming at the development of bio-based resin systems and bio-composites.


Pedro Cantor is a Civil Engineer from Andes University And MSc SAHC structural analysis historical construction. He is at the moment pursuing is phd degree in CERIS-IST. Research field in the protection of dwellings against wildland fires. It consists in the study of different constructive solutions, and its performance when hit by a wildfire, by means of analytical model, an fire experimental campaign, and in the development of thermal numerical models for fire simulation.

Antonio Renato BICELLI | M.Sc.Student of Structural Engineering |  M.Sc.Student of Structural Engineering | Federal University of Rio de  Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ | Programa em Engenharia Civil

António Renato Albuquerque Bicelli worked at the Programa em Engenharia Civil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro(COPPE/RJ). Antonio Renato presents previous research numerical thermal research concerning the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Columns Failing in Flexural-Torsional Modes at Elevated Temperatures, and Flexural torsional failure and DSM design of fixed-ended cold-formed steel columns at elevated temperatures. At the moment works in the numerical simulation of the action of wildfires in residential dwellings

Ellon Bernardes de Assis holds a Civil Engineering degree (2019) from University of Brasília and a M.Sc. in Structural Engineering from University of São Paulo (2021). He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Structural Engineering at the University of São Paulo. He is conducting his research in collaboration with CERIS-IST-ID which includes a 1-year mobility program (2022-2023). His research interests are: computational simulation applied to engineering, fire safety engineering and wildfires. Currently is working in the use of computational simulation to understand wildfires and increase the safety of buildings.

Mohamed Zitouni holds a master's degree in civil engineering, specializing in civil engineering materials, which he earned from Yahia Fares Medea University in 2019. He served as a dedicated researcher at the LISICPE laboratory at Hassiba Ben Bouali University of Chlef from 2019 to 2023. During this time, his focus was on conducting advanced numerical simulations to analyze the behavior of structural elements under fire conditions. Currently, Mohamed is working as a researcher at CERIS-IST-ID, actively engaged in the WildFire House Protection project. He is engaged in conducting laboratory fire tests with the objective of identifying vulnerabilities in buildings exposed to wildfires. The aim is to propose materials that effectively prevent the penetration of wildfires into structures and to assess their overall effectiveness."